Easy Rice Recipes - Rice Becomes Luxurious

Simple rice plans are constantly free to make any supper progressively significant. In South Africa, where I live, it is an imperative piece of any of our fundamental suppers, it is very nearly a staple. For us a dinner begins with rice, basics and afterward the rest follows. In this way, for us simple rice plans are a significant piece of our formula assortments. Here I have a couple of scrumptious ones for you to attempt.

The first is a scrumptious and simple one reasonable ridiculous. You can serve it with chicken, duck and turkey. Try not to substitute oil for the margarine; it won't taste as great. In South African cooking we utilize a great deal of margarine and you can't utilize oil in its place, well you can, yet it won't be as scrumptious.

Rice With Almonds And Raisins


½ cup raisins

½ cup whitened almonds

2 ½ cups water

1 ½ Tsp. spread

1 ½ cups rice

1 ½ tsp. salt


Spread raisins with water and almonds with milk for 5 hours.

Put water, salt and spread in firmly shut pot and bubble.

When bubbling, include rice and cook tenderly for 20 minutes.

Expel from heat.

Spread open pot with towel and let represent 5 minutes.

Include raisins and almonds.

Delightful - can be presented with chicken and any vegetables of your decision.

Here's A Spanish One Who doesn't cherish Spanish? Here is an exceptionally simple one.


Cook 1 cup of rice

1 enormous onion (cut-up)

3 oz. margarine or oil

3 enormous tomatoes (cleaned and cut-up)

1 enormous green pepper (cut into flimsy cuts)

Cleaved parsley

3 Tsp. tomato sauce

Salt and pepper to taste


Fry onion in margarine or oil until brilliant darker - include tomatoes, green pepper, salt, pepper, parsley and tomato sauce.

Combine with rice.

Scrumptious presented with hamburger and servings of mixed greens.

What's more, shouldn't something be said about Chinese?

To the extent this formula goes, it can truly be presented with anything. To the extent I know there are not many meat dishes that won't be improved by the kind of this dish.


1 cup rice

½ cup hacked mushrooms

½ cup hacked celery

¼ cup hacked onion

2 cups bubbling water 

3 Tsp. hacked green peppers

1Tsp. spread

1 chicken 3D shape (broke up in the bubbling water)


1 cup cubed cooked chicken


Fry onion, green pepper and celery in margarine or chicken fat.

Include rice, at that point chicken stock.

At the point when rice is cooked include slashed mushrooms.

Stew for 20 minutes at that point include chicken solid shapes and warmth through.

Parsley Rice Molds

Despite the fact that this one is a marginally progressively "extravagant" it is still simple and delicious. Aside from the blended flavor the preferences are extremely nonpartisan and it will praise any dish.


1 cup cooked rice

¼ cup milk

½ tsp. ground onion

½ tsp blended flavor

!/3 cup mayonnaise

2 Tsp. hacked parsley

¾ tsp. salt

Run of pepper


Combine all fixings.

Pack into lubed molds.

Heat in dish of water at 400° F. for 15-20 minutes.

Presently A Baked Pineapple One

Goodness, this is somewhat sweet one! By and by this is one absurd, chicken, duck or turkey.


1½ cups rice

2 cups water

½ cup pineapple juice

2 tsp. salt

1 cup depleted, squashed pineapple

½ cup darker sugar

3 Tsp. margarine

2 tsp ground lemon skin

Run of lemon juice

¼ tsp ground nutmeg


Join rice, water, pineapple squeeze and salt and cook till it is delicate and flaky and fluid assimilated.

Pass remaining fixings and mix softly with a fork.

Transform into buttered quart goulash and heat in preheated stove at 350° F for 15-20 minutes

Magnificent with cook duck or chicken. Additionally great with chicken and mushroom meal.


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